Friday, February 05, 2010


YES!!! Friday I received my 1800A approval from the US Immigration Dept. (USCIS) - HOORAY! This is what the past 5 months of paperwork, fingerprinting appointments, homestudy addendums, (and $3k+ in fees!) was working toward.

As most of you know, the USCIS originally approved me to adopt from China in March 2007. But immigration approvals expire after a certain number of months, and mine expired in Sept. 2008. When we moved from Colorado to Washington in 2008, it meant we had to get a new homestudy done anyway, and my agency recommended that I wait until I was closer to a referral to get that done. So last summer when I decided to enter the Waiting Child program with my agency, I moved ahead with renewing the paperwork. So I now have re-approval from the US gov't to bring an orphaned Chinese child into the U.S. as an adopted citizen (at least until March 2011, when the paperwork will expire again!). So let's keep our fingers crossed that we get some good news this year!


Betsy said...

Congrats after all the hard work -- happy thoughts, prayers and vibes that this will be the last one you need!

Laurie said...


fivekidz said...

One step closer.... You may want to have the new home study or an update be for 2 children. China has been allowing families to adopt 2 kids at one from the SN is one family
there have been quite a few recently.
especially if you think you may want more than one.Good luck I hope you find your Lia soon. Peace Bonnie