Saturday, December 09, 2006

Just trying to stay sane...

One more week until I hear back some news. News that could change my life forever. I'm trying not to be impatient. Or worried. Or stressed. I know having those types of thoughts will not do anything to make my dream come true. Positive thoughts. BELIEVING that in two years I will be living the life I've dreamed of WILL! I do believe in my heart that I will get the news I've been waiting for on the 18th and everything will work out fine. My sister recently posted the following quote on her website and I found it very timely for my own situation this week:

"Faith is being sure of what we hope for
and certain of what we do not see."

Ain't THAT the truth??? I am sure of proceeding with adoption and am certain that I will be meeting my Lia in the coming months/year(s). I'm praying for all the other women out there who are pursuing this dream as well. Together we will endure this long journey and celebrate together in the joy of bringing our babies home.


kitchu said...

Here, here! I raise my glass to that! May our faith be strengthened by all of this!

Jenna said...

I'll be praying you get a spot!

~Kristen said...

I'm keeping everything crossed that you get the good news soon!!!!