Sunday, October 07, 2007


This weekend Steve helped me decorate the house for Halloween. We put up some orange, red, and purple lights, as well as some "bat" lights in the upstairs windows. We also have blinking "eyes" in the living room window. We even hung a little "Casper" type ghost from the front porch. It looks really good! Since the neighborhood has tons of little kids, we didn't want it to be too scary, just really fun and festive.

Today the weather turned much cooler, so it finally started to feel like fall. We even got a little rain tonight, which was nice for a change. Steve has some frozen clam chowder from one of his favorite seafood restaurants in California. We warmed it up, along with some calamari from Whole Foods. With the rain and all, it ALMOST felt like we were living on the coast! Yum.


Kelli said...

Nice lights!! Very motivated to get decorated for Halloween! We (the "village" of waiting mamas) just begged the one mama home with her little one to let us all come trick or treating wiht them on Halloween- imagine that, One little girl in an elephant costume and the 4 waiting aunties following with Cameras...!
Happy Fall!

C's Mom said...

Lookin' spookalicious!

Lisa and Tate said...

Your house looks so cute! Makes me want to haul out my Halloween stach and start decorating!


redmaryjanes said...

Looks great! I love it. Happy Halloween.

Steve, Killer, Luna said...

Lovin your Monster House! Happy Tuesday!

adele and dan said...

Looks great! Living in the South, it's hard to get into the Halloween spirit. Something about the leaves on the ground really makes it for me.

Beth and Shayna said...

Love the look of the house! We just started to decorate our house tonight, but we have to add more lights. I just love this time of year! And more cooler weather this weekend - yippee!