Tuesday, March 10, 2009

23 Months

Time flies when you're snowed in for the winter! (not). We did receive several inches of new snow yesterday and it is sunny, yet crazy cold outside today. I am SO ready for Spring!
Okay, so today marks the 23rd month since my log in date for Lia. If the original timelines (18-24 months) had stayed true, I would've been getting close to a baby match about now...but alas, things happen in their own time, when the timing is right, and who am I to try to "control" things? So the rollercoaster ride continues...how long you ask?
There continue to be semi-reliable rumors of an increase in referrals toward the end of 2009. But there is still over a year's worth of log in dates to be matched before they get to mine...and they've only made it through four months of log in dates since I started the process. By now I've heard everything from "late 2010" to "somewhere around 2016" as possible scenarios. People continue to drop out of the program, and/or switch to other adoption programs every month, but with upwards of 30,000 families logged in for China during 2006-07, there are still a lot of matches to get through - first come, first served. So all I can do is let go of it and know it WILL happen...eventually...and try to keep myself as healthy and financially secure as possible for when the time comes.
As I've said since the beginning. I truly do believe that the RIGHT child will be matched to me at the RIGHT time - whenever that is. Unfortunately, that doesn't make it any easier when it seems everyone around you is getting pregnant or adopting and their children may be entering middle school by the time you meet yours! Although, on a positive note - I guess from a babysitting perspective, I will have lots of options. :)


Unknown said...

Slow and Steady. I too believe with the "right child @ the right time" but it is also easier said then the rollercoaster of a ride we have been on.

Beth and Shayna said...

You have the right goal in mind, Lia will be there for you sweetie, and you will be the best mom ever!!! ps I think you have gotten way more snow than us in Denver. Can you move back here so the snow will return?

Tracy Dart said...

Well - as my doctor says about my cancer treatment - it is a marathon - not a race. I believe this is true for you too! God knows when I will be ready to be cured - and when you will be ready to be a mom. It is truly out of our hands! :)

Kristy said...

Happy 23rd LIDversary!!!! I love that painting!!

Love, Kristy