Friday, July 17, 2009

All the Single Ladies!

It's been an exciting few weeks. A lot of my single gal pals in the adoption community are finally seeing their dreams come true over the past month!

A few shoutouts to my Florida friends Kris and Laurie who have been amazing, supportive (albeit long distance) cyber friends throughout this process, and who have both seen their daughters' faces for the first time recently! I wish them both speedy travels to their little ones.

Also in my thoughts every day this week has been my Memphis friend Kim, who is in Kazakhstan with her new daughter! Kim will be staying in Kaz for the next couple of months, visiting and bonding with her daughter as her paperwork moves through the courts over there. Kim is one brave woman! She is experiencing a multi-faceted adventure: new motherhood, traveling, and culture shock all at once - and all by herself in a foreign country. Every day, I am in awe of her courage and determination. GO KIM!
Meanwhile, the process for me continues to be S-L-O-W. I wish I had some exciting news to report. The only news for now is "keep waiting". So that's what I continue to do. If everyone could please add to their daily prayers for the Chinese government (otherwise known as the CC@@) to speed up the adoption matching process (for me and for the thousands of other families in waiting) I would certainly appreciate it! Bottom line, I know it WILL still happen eventually. When the time is right. When the perfect child has been born and is waiting for me, I will be matched with her. And I know it is selfish of me to try and force the process or complain about the speed with which such magic happens...but... (Dear Universe, sooner rather than later would be GREAT - thanks!)


Laurie said...

Aww! Thanks! And you know I can't wait for your 'magic' to happen too... ;-)

Mom 2 six said...

Love the links ! Some great ladies for sure !!

Mom2Isabel said...

Hi Julie,
Laurie is actually a dear friend of mine and my Isabel is so excited for Baby Hannah to come home. So glad to find your blog.
When is your LID?


Kim said...

Thanks so much for mentioning me in your post girl!!! Still living large in Taraz and was approved to adopt Alina on Friday!! Now I wait for a court date. Still another 5 to 6 weeks away. Behind in blogs but catching up on Sunday as I will not be seeing Alina that day.
I hope the "magic" happens sooner than later for you too. You are the brave one for waiting for it to happen. Me, I wasn't brave enough to wait it out but I don't think China was meant for me anyway. Keep riding that slow, slow boat! It will pull into the harbor one day and we will all be here to rejoice with you!

Kim and Alina

Kristy said...

HAPPY BELATED 27TH LIDVERSARY!! And I am praying.....always.

Love, Kristy