Monday, October 05, 2009

The Road Less Traveled...Homestudy #2

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood...

On Sunday we endured a 3-hour visit from our new social worker to update my homestudy. Of course, in the days leading up to this, I was a mad woman trying to clean, organize and decorate the house. I laughed at myself the entire time, because as part of my job - I am constantly telling people NOT to stress about the homestudy - that it ISN'T a white-glove inspection of their home...etc. I guess this is a good example of "Do as she says, not as she does!" LOL.

Anyway, our new social worker "N" is great. She was very friendly and calm. She said our 18-page bio report was the best she'd EVER read. HA! Maybe she says that to ALL her clients, but I'm guessing that the past 2.5 years I've had to read books, get to know other adoptive parents, and actually WORK in the field...has paid off. "N" said she's never met anyone more prepared... You can say that again sister!

So of course, this was my 2nd time through the homestudy process, but it was a first for Steve - and of course he did wonderfully. Who doesn't love Steve? As an "adult member of my household" he has had to have all the background checks and answer a lot of questions that I'm sure he had NO IDEA he was signing up for when we met three years ago THIS WEEK! For the record, I was not worried one bit about how he would answer N's questions. :) No, I was more worried about dusting and straightening bookshelves and putting out clean handtowels in the bathroom.

Now we wait for N to write her report. Then she will submit it to my agency for review and make edits as necessary. Then it will be sent off to the USCIS (Homeland Security) for immigration approval...and then we will wait some more...

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference...

So we're still moving down this road. Some days it's like wading through a swamp. But we've strapped on our hip waders and we're working our way through. Moving forward...slowly, but with determination...and trying to enjoy the journey along the way.

1 comment:

Betsy said...

Another eloquent AND entertaining post--thanks for sharing. After Lia arrives, you should consider writing a book about your experience! Congrats on completing this huge step and on your anniversary of meeting Steve this week. I remember that week too...well I remember sitting in our office and "discussing" him before you met him! :-)

Oh, and I am certain N was being honest when she said that about your bio being the best!