Sunday, January 31, 2010

Resolution Re-Cap

On January 1st, Steve and I embarked on a resolution to get healthy in 2010 in preparation for traveling, and getting Lia, and both of us living a long, long time!

Let's be honest, I was never a "skinny" girl. I've always kept a healthy amount of weight on my bones, and can easily dip over into that "overweight" category if I let things go for even a few weeks. Over the past 10 years I have done Weight Watchers, Slimfast,, - and countless other "plans" aimed at losing weight and getting healthy. I've done step aerobics, resistance training, jazzercise, yoga, speed walking, cross training, Curves, Taebo, and aqua aerobics at various times to varying degrees of committment. I typically lose about 20-30 lbs, and then fall off the wagon and slowly gain it all back.

So this year, with the goal of fitting comfortably into airplane seats on international flights, climbing the Great Wall, and carrying around a 20 lb. child - we restarted "the plan". This time, with help from a coach (our chiropractor, who is also a nutritional coach). In fact Steve is even broadcasting his weightloss plan publicly, recording "testimonial" radio ads for our coach. So this is good. Steve is being held accountable, which means he is less likely to cheat, which means I am much more likely to stay on track as well...and it hasn't been easy.

It's now been 30 days since we started our new routine. No soda (not even diet), no coffee, no sugar (except the occasional piece of dark chocolate to keep us sane), no red meat - very little bread, pasta, rice or potatoes - no creamy sauces or dressings - and of course nothing fried. Steve is using the treadmill at home, while I am hitting the gym for aqua sport class 3x/week. Isn't it supposed to be "habit" by now? "Lean and green" is not as easy as it sounds!

On the bright side, I am down 10 lbs...and Steve is down 15 lbs (men drop weight so much more quickly than women - NOT FAIR!) - in just 30 days. I'm also getting fewer headaches, fewer gut aches, and have had no heartburn in weeks. At this rate, we will hit our goal weights in four months...(just in time for summer!) Then our coach will help us start bringing some foods back into our meal plans. For now, we are finding 100 different ways to cook salmon and chicken breasts, and replacing ground turkey into many recipes. Trying to stay creative with a variety of veggies as well to keep things interesting. Luckily, we are eating six times a day, and most of those meals are nutrition shakes or bars supplied by our coach. I can't believe a low-fat turkey sub on whole wheat has become a treat - but is has!

One month down... :)


Betsy said...

Did I miss the initial post about this? No matter, what great news and congrats on the weight loss already! It's so wonderful that you are doing this together and with a very special goal in mind!! Sending you my happy vibes. E-mail me if you want to trade exercise ideas and/or great recipes! I'm always on the lookout for new stuff.

Jen Thompson said...

We just opened a CrossFit gym here in Peachtree City. You should look them up - I know they have some in WA. Take a look at how they exercise and the science behind it. I have been crossfitting for about a 9 months and it is addictive. They think the Zone diet great b/c it keeps your insulin levels stable all day and I have noticed more energy and increased clarity in my thinking. Crossfit is a place where you can find a community of people who care about your health and they goals you want to set for yourself. The beauty of what they do is that everything is "scalable" and everyone is able to work at their own level and capactiy. Take a look. I just happened to your site from the CCAIWCP. Jen