Monday, April 19, 2010

Rain Storms and Ferries and Rainbows - OH MY!

This past weekend, Steve and I headed to Seattle for a quick visit with my family.  In March, my parents moved from their townhome in Kent, (a southern suburb of Seattle) to Vashon Island (a small island community of 11,000 people just west of Seattle). In order to get to Vashon Island, you have to take a 20 min. ferry ride across Puget Sound.

My parents new house sits directly across from Quartermaster Harbor and faces east. So it was really beautiful to watch the sunrise over the harbor on Saturday morning. The sky was a brilliant pink and orange, and reflecting so beautifully off the boats and water. I'm now wishing I had woken Steve up at 6 am to see it himself (and take photos!) but I decided to let him sleep.

Saturday afternoon, we ran some errands around Seattle and visited all the stores and restaurants that we miss living in Spokane. There was a short, torrential downpour in the afternoon, which cleared up just in time for our late afternoon ferry ride back to the island (complete with a rainbow):

On Sunday morning we awoke to a dense fog covering the harbor. At about 9 am, the fog started to lift, and Steve was able to catch some great photos:

After the fog burned off, Sunday afternoon was gorgeous. We headed over to Issaquah to have lunch with my aunt, uncle and grandma. They will soon be moving northwest of Seattle to a town called Anacortes, near the San Juan Islands. Steve was able to catch an impromptu photo of me with my grandma:

All in all, a very relaxed weekend - which I REALLY needed after all of last week's drama!  :)


Steve, Killer, Luna said...

Good times! : )

~Kristen said...

You soooo needed that weekend!! Glad you had such a good time.

These photos are AMAZING!!! What a beautiful place they live now. and I love the photo of you and your Grandma...

Have a good week!

kitchu said...

wow!! those pics are incredibly beautiful... sounds like a perfect weekend!