Friday, October 29, 2010

Checking Out Great!

Lia had her 2 year old well-check at our family doctor this morning. It was about 10 days early, but with so many doctor appointments on our schedule these days, this is when we could make it work. Our doctor was very pleased in the amount of growth and developmental milestones Lia has reached since she'd last seen her five weeks ago. We've now been home from China two months - I can't believe how fast the time is flying by! While at the doctor's office, Lia decided to try her hand at sitting in the doctor's chair and pretending to enter notes (don't worry - the keyboard was locked):

Lia is now off all of her narcotic pain meds. We are only giving her ibuprofen as needed about once a day. She doesn't seem to be in pain at all, and getting her off the narcotics has helped her get back to her normal napping and sleeping schedule (thank goodness!) She is still wearing the "no-no's" (arm restraints) when she is eating and sleeping, but more and more we are allowing her to go without them while we are in the room watching her. Luckily, she is not big on sticking things (other than food) in her mouth, so all is well during playtime.

She is still LOVING everything "pumpkin" right now. Daddy brought her some pumpkin balloons to the hospital last week, and now she has one in her bedroom and one in the playroom that she enjoys carrying around:

Although we are expecting rain here on Sunday, Steve is planning to take her trick-or-treating in her Ladybug Princess outfit, at least around our neighborhood. She can't eat the candy (more for mom and dad!) and she can't say "trick-or-treat", but I know the neighbors will still enjoy seeing her. Particularly those who visited our garage fundraiser sale this summer prior to the China trip. This week Lia also got her first letter in the mail (from Grandma & Grandpa):

In other news, Lia's friend Jack is still waiting for a family... I received this updated photo of Jack from the Starfish Foster Home Halloween photoshoot this week. Isn't he darling?

As mentioned previously on this blog, Jack has spina bifida and is paralyzed from the waist down, but he gets around well in his wheelchair, and he is one of the sweetest kids you will ever meet. Jack's favorite song is "Happy Birthday"and his is coming up next week - he will turn 3. A forever family would be the best present Jack could ever ask for!  Additionally, WACAP is currently offering a $4,200 grant to help with the costs related to Jack's adoption. Click HERE for more info.

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