Monday, October 11, 2010

Prepping for Surgery Week...

It now looks like Lia's palate surgery WILL happen next week. She has been cleared by all the doctors, and we have our final pre-op appointment with her ENT/Surgeon this Thursday. So we've been working hard to get her completely off her bottle (as she won't be allowed to put anything - including a rubber nipple - into her mouth for a few days following surgery). It will be an all liquid/puree diet for awhile. We're working on getting her to drink from a "big kid" sippy cup that only has an indent or hole (like a commuter mug) rather than any kind of nipple or spout that would go into her mouth. She doesn't love it, and she spills - a lot - but we are starting to see her drink from it more and more.

I know she is a tough little cookie who will get thru this just fine, and I am trying my hardest not to stress about it. Interesting that - after four years of working in a children's hospital - I now find myself in the position of BEING one of those parents in the waiting room... I have complete confidence in her surgeon and the children's hospital staff.  However, I do feel like we JUST got her home and finally settled into a "routine" (of sorts) and now we are going to put her through this trauma - even though I know it is for the best. It's still tough...

Anyway - we had a great weekend. My parents and sister came to town and stayed with us for a couple days. Everyone had a great time playing with Lia. On Saturday night, after Lia was in bed, we watched the documentary "Babies" on DVD. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. There are so many cute and funny moments - and the soundtrack is great!

Here are some pics from the last few days:

Riding her Kai-Lan car...

Learning to color...

Having a giggle with Aunt Tracy...

Going shirtless with sunglasses (on a rainy, 50-degree day) LOL!

Finally - Happy Anniversary to us! 
Steve and I met four years ago this weekend.
Here's to many more happy years ahead...


Leventhal Family said...

Reading your post made me have flash backs of our surgery date with Abigail. Oh, the anticipation! Here's the link if you are interested.

The night in the hospital was really hard, but she recovered so much quicker than I ever expected! Praying the surgery goes well for Lia! Keep us posted!

Steve, Killer, Luna said...

Happy Anniversary Baby!!!

Steve, Killer, Luna said...
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Betsy said...

Wow! Great news though that she is healthy and ready for surgery. You're all three in our thoughts and prayers.