Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rough Day...

UGH. Tough, tough day...found out our girl has a bad reaction to morphine as well as anesthesia...hoping the next painkiller will help (minus the violent, thrashing tantrums)... Our cleft coordinator stopped by to see us this afternoon and said she's never seen a child have such a violent reaction to recovery meds. ...I don't know who has cried more today - me or Lia!   :( 

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day...


Anonymous said...

oh, that's really bad... but has she had a plastic surgery in China? hope the doctors will soon find the best way possible for her. best luck

kitchu said...

oh gosh Julie i am so sorry. i am heading off to bed now and you and Lia will be the focus of my bedtime prayer. each day it does get better, but how awful for your girl that she not only had to deal with all the surgery itself and pain, but a bad time of it with meds and anesthesia.

will be very anxious for the next update.

foreversistersforeverfriends said...

So sorry to hear about her allergic reaction. You'll be in my prayers...
Keep us posted.

Michal said...

I am so sorry to hear this! I have been thinking of your little girl and hoping that things went as smoothly as possible. I hope that you will get all of this sussed out and you can all start the walk to recovery.
Hang in there. I know, I hate when folks say that but, sometimes you just have to hang on for dear life.
We are at Day 9 post-op and things are just now starting to get "easy" with my son. I read and read and thought I was prepared but I was really taken by surprise at many things about this surgery.
I will send up special prayers for your precious girl today. And you know what? I will also send some up just for you.