Thursday, March 24, 2011

Recent Photos & Updates

Sorry I've been so bad about blogging lately. With the advent of Facebook, it seems like most folks follow our happenings there now. However, I know that there are a few people who don't have (or can't access) Facebook who still check here for photos and updates, so I'll try to continue to post a few times per month.

Our lives have been busy, busy, busy with a very active 2 year old, her speech therapy and doctor appointments, library storytimes, and other activities. Unfortunately, I threw my back out about a week ago, while lifting Lia into her highchair, so I have been "out of commission" for the past week. Thankfully Steve has been able to (literally) "pick up" the slack so to speak... Anyway, onto what everyone wants to see anyway - PHOTOS:

Celebrating Daddy's birthday at a fancy (a.k.a. dark!) restaurant...

Always laughing...

With her friend Mickey, on her new Mickey Mouse Clubhouse sofa/bed

Feeding her new bunny (thanks Renee & Sierra!) some goldfish crackers

Trying out her "big girl bed" for size...

One night later - back to the overstuffed Pack'n'Play!

Saturday morning, vacuuming and chatting on her "phone"


Jen said...

Love the photo of her talking on the phone while vac! Adorable!

~Kristen said...

OMG... that photo in the pack n play with all the stuffies had me ROTFLOL!!!

Love the photo updates in addition to FB!!

Jenna said...

She's so cute! Two is such a fun age!

kitchu said...

so sorry about your back Julie, hope you are feeling better!

those last 2 photos had me in giggles. what a HAM with the vacuum and phone!