Saturday, August 27, 2011

Our American Citizen...One Year Ago & Today!

A year ago today, our plane from China landed in Seattle and Lia officially became an American citizen. My, how our sweet baby girl has grown and changed in the past year! Last September we had a developmental assessment done. At the time, Lia was 22 mos. old and her only word was "mama". Her hearing was 85% blocked, and she came in at a 17 mos. old level for gross and fine motor skills. Yesterday we had a second assessment, and our lively, chatty, 33 mos. old is now doing things that many 3 yr olds can't do! The only area where she is behind is speech (which we will continue to work on in the coming years). You've come a long way baby - WE LOVE YOU!    
Lia's first time at a local year ago tomorrow!

...and in our backyard on her very own swing - TODAY!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing! I can close my eyes and remember the day we got our girls - and how completely unprepared I felt! Despite the LONG wait, it still felt like jumping into the deep end of the pool. Do you remember the sign in Seattle for immigration? It said: " For Immigrants and Parolees". I still smile remembering that sign.