Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Yep! It's Happening Again...

That's right, we're on the move again!  For those who have been following this blog since the very beginning (Nov. 2006) - this will be my sixth move in five years...*sigh*.  This time however, it's not because of a job. It's just a quality of life issue. While we've enjoyed our three years in eastern Washington, we are ready to head back to the west side of the state. My job is headquartered there (although I'll still be working part-time from home for the most part), and Steve is able to run his consulting business from anywhere - so given that our current landlord decided to sell the house we've been leasing, we had to make the decision to move to another house here in town, or move back closer to family and friends on the west side of the state.

It was not an easy decision. Moving is always expensive, and because all of Lia's medical providers are here, the thought of setting up new relationships with all new doctors and therapists was daunting. But with the help of some great contacts here in town, I've been able to make connections on the west side which I feel will be good for Lia. We were also sad about leaving our local friends who traveled with us to China last year, but we hope they will visit us at our new home so our girls (and we!) can stay connected.  

I was a bit worried about how Lia would handle all the hustle and bustle around the house. Packing and moving boxes, various rooms and surroundings changing...but she has not seemed the least bit stressed about it. We've told her that we are moving to a new house - mama, daddy, Lia, the dogs - and all her toys, and her bed, and our TV and all the food, etc. and she seems OK with it so far. I'm not sure she really understands it yet, but so far, so good.

I think I've had the hardest time with all of it. I don't like feeling "pushed" out of my home, especially my daughter's first home with us. I also took a nasty fall while packing last week and ended up at the ER! Let this be a lesson to you all - never underestimate the damage that can be done by slipping onto your bathroom floor. A sprained ankle, bruised tailbone, and big bump on the head later...UGH! It could have been a lot worse, and I am thankful that it wasn't, but I am still sore 10 days later...

In better health news, at Lia's visit to her ENT last week, her palate was looking really good (still 100% closed) and her audiology tests came positive as well. Her right ear appears to have perfect hearing, while her left still shows a little bit of impairment (but not too far outside the "normal" range). Hooray!

We also finished our final 12-month post-placement report with our social worker two weeks ago. This fulfills our final requirement with the Chinese government. I was thrilled to send along four terrific photos of our happy, smiling girl for the government adoption officials to see. It's hard to believe that one year ago today we were boarding a plane to China!


Jen said...

Oh, wow! Another move! So glad your girl is handling it well. Hope she loves her new home, and you, too. May the perfect place be waiting on you. Being near family will be such a blessing!

Jenna said...

Welcome back to the "wet" side!