Monday, January 16, 2012

2012 Begins!

Two weeks into the New Year and Lia has already come down with, and overcome another cold. All it took was two days back at preschool and she was down for a week, but thankfully she has now bounced back and we can (hopefully) get back into our pre-holiday routine - just in time for Chinese New Year next week!

Lia's Christmas extended way beyond December 25th. She continued to receive gifts and cards well into the new year. Needless to say, this little girl is well-loved and doted on by many friends and family near and far! Thank you so much to everyone who helped make our holiday special...

Another package from Grandma Wall...Tinkerbelle jammies - YAY!
Loving her oversized Unicorn pillow pet...

Those eyes - is this kid gorgeous or what??? 
This was after a long day at preschool...and with a cold coming on...

First snow in Seattle this year!


Debbie Sauer said...

I am so glad that she is happy. She certainly is a precious little girl. Blessings

jessica said...

She is so adorable. Her smile is so sweet and those brown eyes! Looks like your enjoying every minute and experiencing everything a parent goes through! Love catching up with you and the fam. Keep up the good work. xoxo. jess gregg