Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter 2012

Today is April 10, 2012. It's hard to believe that five years ago today, my adoption paperwork was logged in with the Chinese Government, and I officially began my "wait" for Lia. Amazing. Those first three years seemed to crawl by so slowly, and yet the last two have seemingly flown by!

This weekend we celebrated our second Easter with Lia. On Saturday we attended the local "Spring Fling" egg hunt and Lia got to meet the Easter Bunny herself. A sunny, 70-degree Easter is almost unheard of in Seattle.

On Sunday we had Easter dinner at my parents' house with my uncle and sister. Needless to say, Lia got LOTS of Easter goodies! She was a happy girl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Has it really been five years since LID?! You are completely right about how S-L-O-W those first three years were and how quick these last two years have gone by! It seems like just yesterday that we were all in China together. Then I look at pictures of Lia - how much she has grown and blossomed - and two years seems about right.