Monday, August 13, 2012

Summer 2012 - Where to begin...

I just realized that I hadn't posted since Father's Day - goodness! It has been an incredibly busy summer for our family. It started with Steve's job, commute and work schedule being such that he was gone 14 hours a day, and we saw him very little - which was sad for Lia and I.  We spent July 4th over at my parents' house on Quartermaster Harbor, and Daddy got off work just in time to join us in a front row seat for the Harbor fireworks show:
Lia wore her red, white and blue...
...and later on we snacked on s'mores at Grandma's firepit!
Unfortunately, a couple days later, Lia woke up with a swollen face and black eye. Knowing that she has some ongoing dental issues related to her cleft, we immediately took her up to children's hospital where she ended up having an emergency extraction of one of her molars. That was a rough day! But she was brave and very happy to receive a visit from the Tooth Fairy that night (an experience not many 3 yr old can boast about!)

Our sweet, brave girl!
Our munchkin will require additional dental surgery under general anesthesia in October where they will fit many of her remaining molars with crowns (to stabilize them for the next couple of years) and do a couple more extractions. Poor girl, the Tooth Fairy will owe her BIGTIME after that one!

Then we ended up spending the second half of July preparing to move. Yes, again. And hopefully the last time for a long time. The family whose home we'd been renting on the island returned from Europe and we decided that we needed to live closer to Steve's workplace so that we could actually see him once in awhile (imagine that!)  So while we were very sad to leave the nearby grandparents, and Lia's wonderful school and teachers on Vashon, we felt like this was a move that needed to be made. We moved into our new home and neighborhood on August 2nd and have been busy getting Lia's room painted ("princess" pink of course!) She is very proud of it:
The poor child has absolutely NO toys.  ;)
We also went to Daddy's company picnic, where Lia tried her hand at some non-Olympic badminton:

Summer has finally come to the Pacific Northwest and we've been enjoying temps in the 80s the past couple of weeks. Lia will start her second year of preschool at her new school on Sept. 4. I can't believe that is just around the corner! Hope everyone has had a fun and relaxing summer.


Jen said...

You must be the most experienced mover on the planet. So glad you guys get to see more of the daddy now, though. Single parenting is hard work!! Hope you get to stay put for a while!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations again on your move - Lia looks so happy! Good luck on the upcoming dental surgery. Grace's surgery lasted longer than some of the palate repairs but recovery was much easier.