Thursday, February 15, 2007

Stamps, Seals & Valentines

I had a great Valentine’s Day. I got flowers (Gerbera daisies – my fave)...and when I got home last night – my authenticated documents from the Chinese embassy in Chicago were waiting in the mailbox for me! That means I can now submit the majority of my documents to CCAI for critical review. Now ALL I am waiting on is the I-171 H Immigration form…so I’m still right on track timewise. YAY!

I took photos of the documents from the embassy so I will have photos for Lia’s babybook - since once you send everything off in your dossier, you never see it again. I’ve also been getting passport photos taken every chance I get at Walgreen’s. I need a total of six to submit with my dossier – and then 3 photos of just me – and 8 photos of me with family/friends. I have all the photos except the passport ones – and they are the most important, because most likely one of those is actually what will be used over in China to match me with my baby. I want them all to be GREAT of course!

We went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner last night. It had been AGES since I had eaten a steak but it was SO GOOD! It was snowing last night on the commute so it took me 1.5 hours to get home from work – so we didn’t have dinner until 8 pm or so. (but it was worth it). The commute this morning was another bear – about an hour…I am so SICK of this winter weather. In the six years I have been in Denver it has NEVER been like this…but it sounds like the whole country has been hit hard this year. I cannot wait for Spring weather!

Finally - today I had lunch with my friend and former officemate Betsy, who adopted a beautiful baby boy in November. Jaryn is now almost 3 months old already! We had lunch at her house and I got to hold him - he is SUCH a good baby. Happy & healthy. I'm so happy for her. THEN I came back to my office and found out that the new receptionist that was hired last week has a 2 year old daughter, Sidney, from Kazakhstan who is absolutely beautiful. There are successful adoption stories just SURROUNDING me at this point - everywhere I turn!

P.S. - if anyone has a chance to watch (or TiVo) Oprah's show tomorrow on "The Secret" I would highly recommend it. This is something I have been trying to live by for about 5 months now and it has really changed my outlook and perception of the things that happen in my life.

P.P.S - for those of you who have donated to my adoption fund - THANK YOU! I still have a long way to go, but every little bit helps. Your generousity humbles me. My gratitude is endless.


kitchu said...

I did the same thing (took lots of pics for Macey's lifebook). Only one of mine (DC) looked like your's above- so cool, isn't it? We are on the exact same time line right now too... I'm just waiting for that 171, and I found out yesterday that all my docs passed critical review!
Congrats on being so close!

Beth and Shayna said...

It looks like you had a fabulous V Day last week. I am so excited for you that you are in the home strech for your dossier.

I took lots of copies of my dossier before submitting everything so I still have the dossier, just not the original. Anyway, copies help.

Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

congrats on getting the documents back.