Thursday, March 01, 2007

Remember when you were a kid...

and you wanted something really badly because all your friends were doing it? And your parents would say, "if all your friends were jumping off a bridge, would you do it too?" The answer was always a sheepish, "well...YEAH!"

Yeah. That's how I'm feeling right now. It seems like everyone is getting their I-171H's and I am sitting here patiently visualizing it in my mailbox everyday - but alas, no form...this is ABSOLUTELY out of my control and I realize that. What's that 12-Step prayer? "God grant me the serenity..." uh yeah. That too.


~Kristen said...

I can sympathize with you... mine took 43 days! I'll be wishing yours materializes really soon!!

ps.. mine came the day after I ranted about it and Kris's came on the second day after she did... So I'm sensing yours is very nearby!!

Amy @ said...

Coming out of lurkdom here...

Just wanted to say I'm also a single girl waiting for her I-171h and feeling very much like you. It seems like everyone is getting it but me. Fingers crossed that we will get ours soon!