Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Cute as a bug...

Cute as a bug - INDEED!!! Thank you Laurie for this super cute bib. I love it! I guess I need to get crackin on bib shopping for our June exchange. Laurie was totally on the ball - I received this bib in my mailbox on June 2!

I also received several new squishes over the weekend for Lia's quilt.

I woke up this morning to NO POWER at my house - bummer...so without a hair dryer or curling iron, I chose not to wash my hair, which made me feel gross all day - Blah. Not sure WHY the power was out. It was back on when I got home from work this evening.

I didn't want to open my fridge this morning, because I didn't want to let the cold air out, so I decided to stop for a bagel on my way into work. I ordered a blueberry bagel with strawberry cream cheese. I was all excited to settle into my desk and munch on my bagel...when I opened the bag and saw (much to my despair!) a cranberry bagel with (GASP!) sun-dried tomato spread - EEEEEEWWW! WHO WOULD ORDER THAT? So I decided to throw it out, and starve all morning. Luckily one of my colleagues brought in some Mike & Ikes to snack on...so I was running on caffiene & sugar until lunch.

I have my annual review at work on Friday. Fingers crossed for a raise. I work at a non-profit, so it's never a large raise - but every little bit helps. Then on Saturday Steve and I head up into the mountains for our little 5-day vacation - looking forward to that! :)


Laurie said...

Hey Julie,

Glad you liked the bib. I was TRYING to get on the ball...the person I had for May got hers maybe two days before you got yours. May was crazy - so I am trying to make up for it in June! Ha, Ha!


Polar Bear said...

Good luck on the review! I am sure you will get the raise. You are right ~ every little bit helps.

Have a great five day vacation. Sounds FUN!!

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed for your raise! HAve a super weekend and a great trip with Steve!
Your Secret Pal

PS I voted for Angela and Mason

Beth and Shayna said...

eeewwww is right on the bagel. No power and the wrong bagel, you poor thing that just sucks. I hope your review goes well and that you have a fantastic time in the mountains. It might be a little chilly since it just snowed, but so beautiful. Take lots of pictures.