Wednesday, June 06, 2007

To My Fellow Bloggers (and lurkers)...

My friend (and college roommate) from Seattle - Angela, is trying to win tickets for her 8 yr old son to see Faith Hill & Tim McGraw when they come to Seattle. She entered a contest with a local radio station and now needs people to vote for them before June 11! I think it is so cute that she is trying to do this for her son. Angela is a teacher and there's no way they could afford the $95 tickets to go otherwise. Here is what she sent me...can you help by voting for them too?

Dear Family & Friends,

I have a funny (and quick) favor to ask you! For being only 8 years old, my son Mason is a MAJOR Faith Hill fan (Tim McGraw too). I entered the two of us in a "Soul Mate" contest to win tickets to their upcoming concert. I could only write something with 50 words or less, so I couldn't say much. If you would take a second to vote for us, we would really appreciate it!!!

Our picture is right in the middle of all of them - jpg. #63 (the only photo I could locate at that moment)!

The cheapest tickets were $95 each, so I thought I'd give this a try. Mason will just flip out if he gets to see her!

Thanks so much!!



kitchu said...

Happy to do it!

Tom in Vegas said...

Consider it done.

crazylady said...

Hi Julie,
Not to rub it in your face, but we're going June 25th here in Toronto 5th row!!!!!!
I will vote once a day.

polkadot said...

Voted -- and we have tix here in CA for August 8th, so if they don't go I'll tell them all about it...

Anonymous said...

I voted and tried to again...doesn't let me. Bammer...hehe!
Forwarded to a few other friends who are voting as well. Keep us posted on what you find out - VERY cool of her to do that.
Hope you're doing great!!! : )

redmaryjanes said...

That is cute that they want to go to the concert!

Mom 2 six said...

Done !!