Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Ever Feel Like This?

This past weekend was the dog wash at the hospital, put on by the volunteers who bring their own dogs in to visit the kids. This is an annual event, and Steve and I took Luna and Killer. Luna has gone every year that I have worked at the hospital, so she is used to it. This was Killer's first time, and as you can tell by the expression on his little face - he was less than impressed!

In other news, it looks like I will be moving again soon. Yes, I know. I just moved into this townhouse in January. But for several reasons, it looks like it makes more sense to make another move. I hate moving! Lucky for me, I never really fully unpacked from the last move, so packing won't be the total nightmare it has been in the past. Also, since my divorce, I have gotten rid of tons of stuff. It's so freeing to live as a minimalist! Of course, I am now starting to collect lots of baby stuff from generous friends, family members, and online acquaintences, so the concept of moving "Lia's Room" is becoming more of a reality. She doesn't own any furniture yet, but there are several boxes of clothes, books, and other baby items already dedicated to her. More on the move to come...


Steve, Killer, Luna said...

Yea, Killer was not impressed at all. And as you look deep into his eyes and see his tounge sticking out a bit you can tell exactly what he's thinkin.. I'm gonna wet something when I get home and show you how this feels! NICE!

kitchu said...

That is one adorable pic of an "unhappy" camper!!

Sorry you'll have to move again... no fun, but hope you find the 'right' place!

cougchick said...

That picture is hysterical. Poor baby...

Beth and Shayna said...

Killer is cute even though it was not an exciting time for him, just from his look in the picture. Your move sounds exciting and I cannot wait to hear more about it.

C's Mom said...

Yep, I've definitely had days like Killer's day.

Best of luck with that moving business. I don't envy you that.

Jeff and Valerie said...

We had plans to go to a dog wash for Children's, but then spaced it out. I wonder if this was the same one?!?! Good luck with moving. We are thinking about moving as our house doesn't really have a great layout for kids. Who knows! Hope all is well with you.

Kim said...

YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED!! Go to my blog to find out about the tag!!

Kim Y
LID 3/29/07 for Megan Jean
Ladybug Kreations