Sunday, January 20, 2008

Haircuts & Words of Wisdom...

So yesterday was "haircut day" for Luna and I. We each got a trim (not at the same salon, thankfully!) Mine was basically just a re-style of the same haircut I had, adding some new layers. Luna, on the other hand, received a serious shave! I made them leave her cute schnauzer beard, but the rest of her - including her legs and belly - are completely shaved down. Her little legs look so skinny now...but she kept getting dried twigs and leaves stuck in her fur. So for everyone's benefit (i.e. - hers and mine) we are going with the low maintenance look for the next few months.

In other news - Steve and I made it to church this morning (for the first time since December). But the message was great - and one I definitely NEEDED to hear! People always comment about how I stay "so positive" during this loooong wait for Lia...and believe me, I am NOT always positive about it - I have my bad days too (those just tend to be the weeks where I'm not blogging). But sometimes the message at church just hits a nerve and speaks to if the topic is being discussed just for me. Of course, I know that's not true. But I guess there is some comfort in the fact that these ideas/topics/conversations are NOT just directed to me. That means other people are struggling with these same anyway, today there were three main points, about how to live more positively and achieving everything you want out of life:

1. Stake Your Claim...
2. Break the Frame...
3. Take Spiritual Aim!

The basic breakdown being: Decide what it is that you really want (i.e. - what will make your heart "sing"), then let go of all the excuses (the "but's" and "what if's" that keep you from achieving those goals), and finally realize that anything is possible thru Spirit - and stick with that - KNOWING that all good things will come to you in time if you just believe! I love this - and am trying to apply it to all areas of my life, but especially during this wait for my precious girl.


~Kristen said...

WOW... missed so much in the last week...

Well, Happy 9 Months...
LOVE the new car...
Hope that Dad is feeling better... sorry he had to make a trip back, That must have been nerve-wracking.

And you BOTH look fabulous!!!

kitchu said...

Your new cut and incredible attitude look good on you!

Carla said...

Isn't it funny how a church message can really speak to us. No matter whether you are adopting or having children through a pregnancy, those maternal instincts and feelings really do kick in so quickly. Hang in there. Time will go quickly and you will have your little bundle of joy to play with and raise.

Steve, Killer, Luna said...

I LOVE your new Haircut Julie, and your new car is fun to ride in and drive too! Your desires await your dreams and I'm happy to be on this exciting Journey with you...

Oh, and I Love you <3 <3 <3


Email Marketing Yenta said...

You are so gorgeous!
I love your words of wisdom.

Jeff and Valerie said...

You both look fabulous! We have not been to church in I don't know how long. Too scared I guess to venture to that unknown with Malia ... or still too overwhelmed. It is amazing though how every week we went prior, the message was exactly what I needed to hear.

We need to get back there!

Keep your positive outlook! It certainly looks good on you.

Beth and Shayna said...

Love both the hair cuts! I need to shave Nelly so bad as she is getting so knotted. Your hair is too cute! I am glad you got some inspiration words at church. Sometimes, that is all you need to get through the day/week.