Thursday, January 10, 2008

9 Months...Busy Week!

Yes, nine months have passed since my LID for Lia. One month closer on this crazy journey that had no end in sight. But we keep plugging forward. Each month passed is one month closer to her, regardless of what that timeline turns out to be...

This continues to be a busy week. The legislative session kicked off yesterday, so things are crazy for me at work. Jan-May is our "busy season" (when we aren't moving the entire hospital like we did last fall - so last year I actually had two busy seasons!) Onward and upward!

Good news - I sold my car on Monday. A very cute, very young couple bought my car and are totally thrilled with it, which makes me happy - knowing it is going to a good home where it will be appreciated. Better yet, this cute young couple was from Tacoma (and just moved to Denver recently)...which made me feel like it was "meant to be". YAY! Best of all, this means I was able to go a get a new (to me) car. Clearly, I'm not big on change - since I bought nearly the exact same car (just seven years newer!) Yes, a 2007 Subaru Outback. Silver this time instead of gold...there are a few new bells & whistles they have added since 2000, but for the most part it has the same feel.

So needless to say, I am having fun driving around in my new vehicle, and learning about all it's features. If I wasn't so busy at work and exhausted from everything going on, it would be even more fun, but oh well...

Luna's leg is still a bit red, but seems to be getting better. The hardest thing is to keep her from licking at it, but the medicine seems to be helping. I just don't have the heart to put an e-collar on her...

My dad took a trip back to the hospital today as he wasn't feeling well again. Turns out he just needed his new meds adjusted. The doctors did decide that he needs to come back for another stint procedure on Monday, so that will require one more overnight hospital stay. Please keep both him and my mom in your thoughts as they are enduring a lot this week and will be again on Monday. Thanks again to everyone for your well wishes and prayers - it is deeply appreciated!


Email Marketing Yenta said...

I do love you positive attitude! Congrats on hitting the 9 month mark! That is a big one!
Here's big hugs to your dad and mom...I hope all the bad stuff is behind xoxo


Unknown said...

Yeah for 9 months, we are right behind you. I will continue to pray for your dad.

Glad to hear about the car!!!

Looking forward to getting to know you!

Steve, Killer, Luna said...

J, I know that tough times are followed by good times and so on, everything goes up and comes down and then over and around again.

Each day I spend on earth I get to know how precious life is with you and getting to know your great family more too. I love every moment of it.

I pray that your Dad will rebound quickly but take his time before jumping back to work too quickly.

I pray your mom is getting some much needed rest too.

I can tell they both make a lot of things happen for allot of people.

I believe the future is filled with many great promises.

I'm not sure what it could be, but if there's anything I can do to help in any way I just want you to know that I am here for you.

Steve (you got my number)

Marcy Dunaway said...

I will continue to keep your Dad in my prayers. Glad today wasn't a serious emergency!
So...usually when people buy cars they kick the tires; did you kick the DOORS???!!!

Carla said...

Glad to hear your dad is doing better. That kind of news is tough to take. Congrats on the 9 month mark. I hope that the time goes quick so you can have your little bundle of joy in your arms soon.

C's Mom said...

Congrats on 9 down and on those spanky new wheels!

Keep Luna on the mend and I will have your dad in my thoughts.

Now, how about on to a nice, peaceful 2008!

redmaryjanes said...

Congratulations on 9 months! It's good to hear that things are turning out great for you right now. You deserve it.

Unknown said...

just wanted to stop by and wish you well!

your optimism is appreciated - I enjoyed reading your Q & A on the CCAI LID group recently.


kitchu said...

Stay postive, you are my inspiration! I am keeping your dad in my prayers...