Sunday, February 03, 2008


First of all, thanks to everyone who has kept the children of China in your prayers and/or donated funds to help them thru the terrible cold weather they are enduring. For an update on how the orphanages are doing, click HERE.

Also - several of you have asked for an update on my dad. He is doing well, and truly appreciates everyone's thoughts and prayers of the past several weeks. He had additional stints put into one of his arteries two weeks ago. He has now gone back to work on a (very) limited basis, and has also started cardiac rehab. He and my mom are adjusting to his new diet restrictions and new routine. We are all very thankful that his heart attack was caught early and for all the wonderful medical staff - from the paramedics to the ER staff, and the nurses to the cardiac specialists who have contributed to his care and rehabilitation during this time.

...onto to topics that are of much LESS importance...

1. The Superbowl. Does anyone west of the Mississippi really give a rat's heiny who wins this game? I sure as heck don't! Of course, Steve and I aren't really sports people (yes girls, I found myself a man who doesn't watch sports - AWESOME). Better yet, I'm not going to be forced to ACT like I know or care about football by attending a Superbowl party this year...nope, we are staying home, watching DVDs and HGTV on Superbowl Sunday. Simply perfect if you ask me! (we are of course TiVo'ing the pre-game and game for the music acts and commercials to be viewed later with the convenience of fast forwarding thru the actual game - lol!)

2. Be sure to check out Lia's 100 Wishes Quilt Page and see all the new squares I've receive lately from family and friends! I am hoping to wrap up the "collection" portion of the project soon and get those squares sent off to my mom in Seattle so she can start on the actual assembly of the quilt!

3. Shopping Alert! I hit Target yesterday and found this...

...super sweet, size 2T ladybug hoodie on sale! Love it.

Yes, I know, buying a toddler a white hoodie is kind of a joke, I mean it's like ASKING for grape juice or kool aid or some other brightly colored food to be spilled down the front of it, isn't it? But it was cute and really cheap...

Here is what the fabric looks like close up...

Many folks refuse to buy clothes or toys or decorate a nursery/room for their children until they get their referrals. I guess they are superstitious or worried about getting too excited too soon. I guess I can kind of understand that - in a way. But for me, buying the occasional item of clothing, or toy is cathartic. It makes Lia more "real" to me, even though I know I still have a long wait ahead. Besides - it's fun!

...and finally, I can't believe it's Monday again tomorrow - blah.


kitchu said...

So glad to hear the update on your dad, hope he just continues to improve. Cardiac rehab is a wonderful thing.

LOVE that hoodie. Will love it even more when you post a pic of Lia in it, grape juice stains and all :O)

redmaryjanes said...

I'm glad that your father is doing well.
That hoodie is darling. I love Target!

Beth and Shayna said...

I am so glad that your dad is doing well. And what a cute jacket, I better go to the store!

Maia said...

Good for your dad - more power to him!
Love the hoodie, btw.

We have a new blog:

Happy CNY!!