Friday, April 04, 2008

"Dog Tired"

It's been a long....LONG week! Just one week ago we were driving across Idaho and Oregon into Washington state. Then unpacking...trying to set up a house and all the things that go with it (phone, cable, internet, etc.) - and then starting a new's a lot to take on in one week. I'm exhausted.

The new job is good. It's only been 3 days, so I still feel like a total "newbie" and kind of out of place. Even though it is in a field that I am passionate about (adoption) - I have already realized that I have a TON to learn, and if you think all the rules and regulations surrounding Chinese adoption are hard to swallow, just try learning all the rules and reg's surrounding NINE different's nuts...and very overwhelming. Everything in time I suppose...

As you can see from the picture, Luna is LOVING our new gas fireplace. It heats up very quickly and I actually end up having to turn it off so she doesn't overheat herself laying front of it. Silly schnauzer girl...


Anonymous said...

Look at little LUNA by the fire...SOOOO cute!!! And who would guess it's Spring around here? HAHA!
Have a RESTFUL weekend.

C's Mom said...

Glad things are going well post move. It IS a lot to take on in a short time. Take a lesson from Luna and relax in front of that fireplace!

~Kristen said...

OMG... Luna looks so cute!! Nice fireplace...

Glad that the job is going well.. looking forward to hearing your newly acquired knowledge of the other IA programs.

Beth and Shayna said...

Silly Luna is right! I am glad you are settling in. And I can tell you, the newbie thing can be tough for a little bit, but nothing beats a job that you are passionate about and you are going to do great!

Kristy said...

I had a long week too!!! Let's pray this one will not be so long, have a good one!!!

Love and blessings, Kristy

Jeff and Valerie said...

Moved!?!? You moved? Yikes. Was I away that long. I'll have to scroll down and see where you went. How exciting for you!!!