Sunday, June 08, 2008

Lesson of the Week...

In light of recent events, (i.e. my last post as a perfect example). I am continuing my work on myself - and how I react to things. Thanks to everyone for your supportive comments! I think we all spend WAY too much energy on the negative. I know from experience that the more you keep your mind open and your thoughts positive, the more great things that manifest in your life.

Yesterday we went to church for the first time since moving to Seattle. I needed a little "spiritual redirection". Today's message happened to center on "removing the four C's" out of one's life:

1. Complaining
2. Criticizing
3. Condemning
4. Comparing

Not a small feat. It's so easy to fall into these habits. Especially for me, the criticizing or the comparing. But I am going to make an effort. I am also reading, The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, by Don Miguel Ruiz.

Now if I only could get every person in the world (particularly at beauty salons) to read it too...

...of course, I'm not criticizing... :)


Steve, Killer, Luna said...
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kitchu said...

To me, you are such a shining example of what it means to live positively. I can't even imagine you doing any of the above, and if you have complained, I guess I never thought of it as complaining! But I love that you are always striving to be your best... you inspire me!

Megan in Denver said...

I am reading that book, too! No, really...I am. :)

I believe intention is half the battle..and clearly you are focused on finding the good.

Chantele said...

I was just sitting here thinking I needed to go buy me a book ... but didn't know if I wanted a self help book or a novel or what. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll let ya know what I think after I buy it and read it. :)

Beth and Shayna said...

Wow, the four C's are a tough thing to take out, and I am glad you posted about it. I need to work on that too. Lets try it together.