Saturday, June 07, 2008

Conversation of the Day

I went to a local haircut chain to get a quick trim today. Nothing fancy or exciting just a little maintenance . A little boy - probably around 3 years old, was screaming across the room because he didn't want his haircut. The following is the conversation I had with the hairstylist:

Me: Wow. He REALLY doesn't want his hair cut. Poor kid!
Her: My son's like that too.
Me: Oh? How old is your son?
Her: He's four. Do you have kids?
Me: No, not yet.
Her: No? Aren't you married?
Me: (getting uncomfortable) No. I was for several years, but we got divorced.
Her: That's too bad...
Me: (thinking...not really...what do you know lady?) Well, I have a boyfriend I've been with
for awhile now...over a year...
Her: Why don't you marry him?
Me: Long story...but we're OK with things the way they are...
Her: Doesn't HE want kids?
Me: (now really irritated) we will happen.
Her: You'd better hurry up, before you get too old! Do you have nieces or nephews?
Me: No, my sister is younger than me, and she's single too.
Her: Your poor mom must be so grandbabies to love...

AAAARRRRGGGHH!!! Seriously? I wanted to grab the clippers and hold this woman down and shave her head bald... What the hell? Since when did the condition of my ovaries become everyone's business? I've gotten to the point that I don't bring up the adoption at all (since I mentioned it at my eyebrow wax and the woman asked "why? can't you have a baby of your own?") These conversations drive me NUTS! I would never, EVER ask these kinds of prying questions to a stranger. It seems like in these days of reality TV, everyone feels completely OK with prying into other people's personal business and then commenting on it! Unbelievable.

Yes, I realize I need to get used to these kinds of ignorant, prying questions if I am going to adopt transracially. I know the questions will only get tougher, and I will need to maintain my calm and remain composed in front of my daughter when people ask questions. I guess that is one positive about the long wait - I have time to teach myself how to maintain composure under these types of circumstances and let them roll off. Time to go read some more Deepak Chopra books I guess...Namaste.


Laurie said...'re right...the intrusiveness of some people is amazing. And just think - this one didn't even know about your adoption. I'm sorry you had to put up with that just to get a hair cut!

Unknown said...

oh those bug me too!

Anonymous said...
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Jenna said...

people are so nosey! But I don't even think they realize that it's hurtful or intrusive - they just think it's conversation.People ask about Lala's family all the time and I never know what to say... the truth only leads to more questions and whole political conversations. Cutesy answers make them think I'm hiding something - there just isn't a good answer and I don't think people will ever get it.

Let's face it. We've all done the same thing on some level.

Betsy said...

I think it would have been funny had you really held her down and shaved her head! Just kidding. But the image makes me giggle. It really amazes me too at what some people will ask or say! You're awesome for once again looking for the positive spin on bad/uncomfortable situations.

Anonymous said...

Wow. All I can say is...time to find a NEW place for a trim OR cut! I get the same comments ALL the time for being single and life is over or something?! Whatever....

kitchu said...

Dear God. I'm speechless! What the hell????

Anonymous said...

As an adult adopted child I am often asked, "Did you ever want to search for your real mother?" My REAL mother loved me and taught me for 36 years. Lia will know that you are her REAL mother and you'll find the answers to all the insensitive questions.

Beth and Shayna said...

Wow, what a horrible conversation. Some people are just so ignorant. I am sorry you had to go through that, but you a strong and did well my friend!