Sunday, June 01, 2008

Feeling better

Thanks for the well wishes. I did indeed have a 24 hour bug, because the stomach problems resolved really quickly, and I actually felt pretty "normal" today. YAY! I also was able to get my Rx's from the pharmacy today - FINALLY - my allergies should get under control soon as well. Fingers crossed. They gave me some awesome nasal spray and some GIANT pills to take daily...holy long as they work!

We took the dogs down to the beach for a Sunday morning walk. It was kind of overcast and quiet (the way I tend to like the beach in my old age - lol!) - we saw a group of people sitting in a large circle in lawn chairs near the bathhouse. I thought maybe it was either a church group or a protest of some sort (you never can be sure in Seattle!) But as we got closer, we could hear some of what they were saying and realized we'd stumbled upon an AA meeting! Oops. Which caused me to ponder - is it really "anonymous" if it's out on the beach in the open? I found that kind of interesting. On the other hand, it seemed like a very serene, peaceful, spiritual place to congregate on a Sunday morning - so I thought that was kind of cool.

Later on, my mom brought over her church's choir robes to store in one of our extra closets over the summer. My dad is the Music Director for their church, and the church is remodeling this summer, so they needed someplace to store the choir robes. So I placed them in the closet in the "would-be" Lia nursery. I figured that room could use every bit of "God power" we can add at this point, and with referrals moving as slow as they are right now, we won't be decorating that room anytime soon... Steve pointed out that if we keep the robes until October, at the very least we have Halloween costumes! :)


Betsy said...

So glad you are feeling better! The quiet beach sounds lovely too.

redmaryjanes said...

I'm glad to hear that you are starting to feel better. Spring colds are a pain.

Beth and Shayna said...

I am glad you are feeling better! And, I used to use Shayna's closet for storage. I like Steve's thought about Halloween, too funny!