Sunday, July 27, 2008

Movie Review...and Alki Art Fair

First of all...a quick movie review...

Last Sunday, Steve and I went to the new AMC theater at a nearby mall, and saw Mamma Mia. Was it totally cheesy? YES! Was the quality of the actors' singing somewhat questionable? YES! Did I love it? YES! Will I buy the DVD when it comes out and fast forward to all the musical singing and dancing scenes to play them over and over? Probably. :)

This weekend we went down to Alki Beach in West Seattle to have fish & chips (a fairly common outing for us these days). While we were there, we noticed a bunch of tents set up in the park along the beach. So after our lunch we headed over to check it out. Turns out, it was the Alki Art Fair! Not a huge, overcrowded event by any means, but kind if a quiet, breezy affair along the waterfront. As Blondie would say, the "Tide was High", so there wasn't actually much "beach" to speak of...just the waves from Puget Sound lapping up against the seawall. Some of the vendors were hawking extremely cool wares...

There was one guy there who does recycled bowling ball "art" (I know, it seems like a stretch) But he covers them with beautiful mosaic-style tiles and stones, and makes them into garden gazing balls and/or drills a bigger hole into it, adds a pump and makes them into yard fountains! Now I wish I'd gotten a picture of them...but I did get a picture with this very cool "Medusa/Mermaid"...

And we found a very cool little nightlight for the munchkin's nursery.

This glass vendor actually has several ladybug themed pieces, you can check them out HERE.

In other news, I had been hoping for a quick meetup with my LID Group "secret pal" from last year, Marcy. She is a flight attendant and was scheduled on a flight to Seattle today with a one night layover. Unfortunately, the flight was cancelled due to weather back east, so we will have to wait another time. Hope to meet you (in person) sometime soon Marcy!


Chantele said...

That ladybug night light is too cute.

You are always doing such fun things. Perhaps I should get off my lazy tush and seek out some fun spots here. :)

Have a great week.

Betsy said...

Fish & chips, the same weather, cool festivals, beaches... I think we are living in sister cities! At least we are enjoying the same things but only thousands of miles apart.

The more I read your blog, the more I think we'll try to get to Seattle on our next assigment. You better still be there! :-)

OH MY #6 said...

just love that ladybug!


Marcy Dunaway said...

I promise I will be there soon! I was totally bummed! What a day that was! It took 8 hours to get from Dallas to NYC! I really, really can't wait to meet you in "real life!"

K. said...

What a pretty night light!