Friday, September 12, 2008


Awareness Ribbons Customized -

My sister Tracy and her friends Jen and Kim embarked on their 60-mile, Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk this morning. I am so proud of them! I will be "guest blogging" for Tracy on her site all weekend, with updates on how the walk is sure to check in for the latest news...


Beth and Shayna said...

That is so great, Go Team Go!

Kristy said...

That is so awesome, Go Tracy!!!! I have always wanted to do that walk but things always seem to get in the way. I do want to do the Diabetes walk for my cousins and a friend this year and then I am really trying to do the Buddy Walk for Downs Syndrome at the end of the month also for some really special boys in our life.

I had an aunt pass away several years ago due to breast cancer so God bless all of you for being involved. Have a great day.

p.s. I had some big news the other day so if you get a chance hop on over and take a look. Just wanted to share with everyone.

Love and blessings, Kristy