Monday, April 27, 2009

Your Help is Needed! - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

The federal adoption tax credit has helped thousands of families adopt children. Now - more than ever - it is vital that this financial support stay in place to help families (LIKE ME!!!) offset the costs and fees associated with adopting a child. Unfortunately, the tax credit is set to expire in December 2010 unless Congress votes to continue it. It's time for individual community members to take action!

The Adoption Tax Relief Guarantee Act of 2009, H.R. 213, will keep the adoption tax credit from being repealed, and *could* make the tax relief measure permanent. It only takes a few minutes to email or call your senators and congressmen it's important for them to hear from families and friends of those impacted by the tax credit.

Currently, there are 76 State Senators and Representatives cosponsoring H.R. 213. However, there are 16 states that currently have no sponsors of this bill, including eight on the East Coast* (one of the largest areas of the US with internationally adopted children). H.R. 213 is currently in committee, where most bills die. It imperative that adoptive families, and all friends of children waiting for families, act now. To Find out which of your congress members support the bill check out this link. It only takes a few minutes to write, call, or email your representatives and ask them to support H.R. 213. If they are already a cosponsor, please take this opportunity to THANK them for supporting this important piece of legislation. Please help today!

Email Your Representative

Email Your Senator

Currently, the following states have no cosponsors or commitments of support for H.R. 213 - so if you live in one of these states, it's ESPECIALLY important that you write your congress members!!!

Arkansas - Connecticut - Delaware - Hawaii - Idaho - Maine - Massachusetts - Montana - Nevada - New Hampshire - New Mexico - Oregon - Rhode Island - South Dakota - West Virginia...

The two states offering the greatest support are Texas & Georgia with 6 cosponsors each, closely followed by Pennsylvania with 5. Honorable mentions: Florida , Indiana , Illinois each with 4 sponsorships each.

Finally - please pass this on to your friends and family, and ask for their help in writing, calling, and posting on blogs, Facebook, and other social networking sites. To gain momentum, we have to produce a ground swell of concerned citizens lifting their voices together for the well-being of children worldwide. Thank you so much for your support!

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