Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day Weekend

My parents and Uncle Dave came to town on Saturday to spend a couple days with us. We had a nice backyard BBQ on Saturday evening (while the weather was still nice!) I even made my grandma's famous potato salad which turned out AMAZING (thank you for the recipe Grandma - who knew it was so easy?) On Sunday morning, we took them to Anthony's restaurant on the Falls and had a lovely Father' Day brunch. Here's a pic of my folks on the deck at Anthony's:

Afterwards, we took them by Steve's station to show them the studio where Steve does his show, and so Dave could see how the radio station works. We even had them cut some promos and Steve played them back - just for fun. As those who know Uncle Dave are aware...he has Down syndrome and music has been his "business" since he was a young boy. He will sit for hours in his room spinning his old LP's and singing along. So to see a REAL deejay booth was pretty exciting for him:

The rest of the weekend's weather was rainy and chilly, so we watched some movies, went to Spaghetti Factory, and Steve was even able to score them some free tickets to the Suzanne Somers cabaret show at a local casino (Suzanne Somers being one of Uncle Dave's all time favorite ladies!) So overall, a very fun weekend. Love you guys! XOXO


kitchu said...

What a BLAST! I've never been close to a studio and as a music FIEND (who's weakness is in music and books) wow, that would have been SO COOL!!

Beth and Shayna said...

Too fun, glad you all had so much fun! I hope K and L gave Steve a good fathers day too ;)

Kristy said...

What a geat weekend and what a treat for Uncle Dave!!! I love that picture.

Love, Kristy

pssssst.....My name is Kristy and I'm and HGTVaholic!

Steve, Killer, Luna said...

You forgot the wardrobe malfunction with Suzanne! How many comments would that have pulled? Wardrobe malfunction - Suzanne Summers!