Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are...

2:30 a.m. - Sleeping with the bedroom window open. Our Yorkie needs to pee. Steve gets up to let him out. The dog comes back in, but suddenly there is commotion. Both dogs are jumping at the backdoor and barking…going crazy in fact. I hear Steve telling the dogs to hush in an intense, low voice – (in case I might have slept thru all the commotion - I wish!). I hear a rustling in the shrubs outside the bedroom window…first, I think "oh my gosh, a burglar?" and then it hits me…


I jump out of bed to slam the window shut…but it’s too late…the malodorous funk of SKUNK has permeated my nasal passages. I hide my head in my pillow to filter out the smell. It doesn’t work. I wake up in the morning, certain the odor is still clinging to me. Steve assures me it is not.


Megan in Denver said...

That's what you get for living in the woods! :)

Holly said...

LOL! May I suggest that you enjoy a V-8 and splash a little behind your ears and inside your nose? Hee! XXXOOO from Colorado

Betsy said...

Hopefully it's funny now (I'm sure it wasn't at the time) because I am laughing out loud!!