Thursday, October 07, 2010

She's a Nut!!!

So many people ask me each week - how is your daughter doing? And my first response tends to be, "She's a nut!" People always look at me quizzically after that, but I mean it in the best of ways - she's a goofball - and she's letting us see her true personality more and more now...a few pics from the last few days to share:

She's still obsessed with walking around in my shoes...

...and sleeping in the dog's bed...

...and wearing her food...(more chocolate pudding please!)

at tea parties with her dolls...

and of course, sitting in her doll's stroller whenever possible...

See what I mean? The kid is a NUT...and we LOVE her with all our hearts!


Betsy said...

Oh my, I know you love that "little nut" more than anything! We have fallen in love with her from afar!

Jenna said...

My kids love wearing my shoes as well... Lala is quite enamored with my high heeled shoes. They also like to push each other around in the cuddler's block trolley and Lala's doll stroller. It's so funny!

joanna and scott said...

She's a doll and I'm so glad you're seeing her personality. I always say Laila has enough personality for 20 people for 20 days, the kids hysterical!! Sounds alot like Lia!!!

Jet said...

Sooo cute!