Monday, December 06, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree!

This weekend we got our tree and started putting up holiday decorations in the house. We had started seeing Christmas Trees at stores, and doctors offices, etc. and Lia was intrigued. I kept telling her we would get a tree and put it in our house. In her typical fashion, she pointed to the family room floor and said "HERE???" and I told her, yes, in this room! I'm not sure she believed me...

We decided to get a smaller tree this year (just a 4-footer) and put it up on the bar in the family room (which has a high cathedral ceiling), thus avoiding the issue of her pulling all the ornaments off the tree one by one... So we all went together to buy a tree on Saturday morning, and then Steve and I set up the tree and got lights put on it while she was taking her nap on Saturday afternoon. When she woke up from her nap - boy, was she surprised!

I also had a little stuffed Santa that I had kept for her in my Christmas box. She promptly put him in her doll stroller and started showing him around the house:

We let her help/watch as we pulled out a select few of our many boxes of ornaments to hang on this smaller tree. Every year that I waited for my match from China, I set aside ornaments for Lia: two different Hello Kitty ornaments, one of a Chinese takeout box, and one with a little girl and her Chinese home. She also really liked the Asian "angel" ornament which was handed down from my mother to me. Here she is checking out Hello Kitty:

However, my favorite ornament was the one we added just this year:

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Love Santa in the stoller!!! So cute!