Sunday, August 28, 2011

Some Pics of our New Place

We made the move back to western Washington a couple weeks ago. We are finally starting to get organized and unpacked. Moving is such a hassle - ugh. But overall, we are very happy that we made the move. Lia loves the new house!  Rather than "growing pains", we have experienced some "shrinking pains" since we downsized quite a bit for this move. This house is half the square feet of  our house in eastern WA, but it has an open layout, and we are making it work. The views of the surrounding wooded ravine and towering evergreens are beautiful, and we are just five minutes from the shores of Puget Sound. This town has a slower pace of life, and we appreciate that, but the city is also only 20 minutes away, which allows us the best of both worlds. We feel very blessed to be living here, and the weather has been beautiful...

1 comment:

Debbie Sauer said...

Glad she loves her new home. Blessings