Sunday, December 17, 2006

And the gifts begin...

When I told my colleagues about the adoption last week, I immediately started receiving presents...Debbie gave me the cutest little photo album that is pink & white and says "Thank Heaven for Little Girls". Not to be outdone, Lonna showed up the following day with the cutest little woolen slippers! I almost cried when she gave them to me (they are so little! but perfect for a toddler...) Somehow these little slippers make Lia THAT much more "real" to adorable! I guess she got them at a holiday craft fair in Highlands Ranch. Other than that - most of my week has been focused on getting several big projects wrapped up at work, packing up my apartment to move later this week, and running around gathering all the paperwork I need to file - as well as the various items I will need to bring with me to orientation at CCAI on Jan. 5. Whew!!! What a week. Then on Xmas Eve I am off to Seattle for a week with my family. Looking forward to a little breather...then I will come back and hit the ground running in the New Year!


Beth and Shayna said...

Those booties/slippers are so adorable. I am sure you can just imagine Lia running around in the house with them. Let the gift receiving begin! Have a fun time in Seattle. But, what a year 2007 will be for you.

kitchu said...

Wow, so cute!!! I've never seen booties like that, although living in Florida, I guess I wouldn't have reason to!
Have a great break with your family!

Laurie said...

Those are PRECIOUS!! Though like Kris, I haven't seen such a thing. (I do see a lot of the world's tiniest flip flops!)

Hope the chasing's going well!