Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Back to the Grind...

Can I just say I am SICK of snow??? Ugh! Denver is one messy, sloppy, dirty looking city right now. The snow has been melting a bit during the day, then freezing up at night...making it a major ordeal just to walk across a parking lot without falling on your butt!

Got back from Seattle on Saturday, finally got moved on Sunday/Monday (will post photos of my new pad soon!) I'm without cable or a computer hook-up at home until Friday when Comcast comes and works their if I seem disconnected...I AM! I also caught a lovely headcold just in time for New Year's. Nothing major, just annoying for the most part. Went to bed at 9 pm on New Year's Eve!

Looking forward to orientation at CCAI on Friday. The dossier team held a conference call today, but because I'm at work, I wasn't able to participate. They said they would record it for the rest of us. My paperwork is starting to come together. I was excited when I moved into my new place on Sunday and went into the extra room, realizing that it will be Lia's room one day!


kitchu said...

Welcome back Julie, it's good to "see" you again! Glad you enjoyed your trip and were able to finally get moved...

Beth and Shayna said...

Glad you are home and sorry it is snowing...again. But, as I type this you are at CCAI learning so much. I am so excited for you!

Chantele said...

Wow!! A new neighbor. Hello from Utah. I am glad I happened upon your blog.

How you loving all the snow? Some just left us - it's heading your way - just a heads up. hehe

I am going to add you (hope you don't mind, let me know if you do) to my blog list, because I know I'll be coming back to visit TONS!! I can't wait to hear all about the CCAI orientation.