Monday, January 08, 2007

A Wild Ride!

Lots going on...and more snow to come! (aaargh....)

I attended singles orientation at CCAI on Friday (yes, I had to drive through our THIRD snowstorm to get there!) But it was great meeting the other single women from Colorado and getting some verification "straight from the horses mouth" about China's rules changes and current timelines and such. I really felt a lot more confident after that meeting. Although we are currently looking at Spring of 2009 for Lia's arrival - I still feel good about my decision and in my heart I know everything is going to work out. Plus now I have two years to prepare and save money! I know how fast the past two years have gone by, and while I wish I didn't have to wait so long, I know that Lia will be revealed to me when the time is right.

We were assigned our social workers for our home studies. I spoke to my SW, Pam today and set up my appointments with her in the coming weeks. The paper chase moves forward...

And another big snowstorm is now predicted for Thurs./Fri. - whoopee! (not.)


~Kristen said...

Yeeaaa.. the paperwork moves forward!!!

Not what you want to hear..... but I miss the snow!! it has been so unseasonably warm here and not a flurry in sight... I would just like to see a little... a snow day from school or two!

kitchu said...

I second that Kristen! At least we're in the 40's tonight...

Awesome that things are moving forward Julie! Glad to see you posting again.. I've missed you!

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Glad to hear that your paperwork is getting started. Hope you enjoy your journey.

redmaryjanes said...

I hope that everything moves along quickly for you.
I went to high school in Colorado Springs and miss that area very much.
Hang in there through the storms, I don't remember there being that much snow ever in the 3 years I lived there.

Beth and Shayna said...

I am so excited for you. Do not worry about the SW visit. I cleaned and baked like a crazy woman and I am sure my SW laughed at me. Oh well. Let me know if I can help you in anyway.