Thursday, March 29, 2007

What's with all the ladybugs?

Several people have asked - what's with all the ladybugs?

For those who aren't familiar with the Chinese adoption process, here's the deal:

Ladybugs are a sign of good luck in the Chinese adoption community. It is said that if you see ladybugs that good things will happen soon!

Take it for what you will...some people believe it - others don't - I choose to believe in all things that could possibly bring me more good luck and good news regarding my journey to Lia!


kitchu said...

I believe with you, especially since I have about 12 living just outside my kitchen window!!
It's the weirdest thing...maybe we'll be LID way sooner than we expect??

Jeff and Valerie said...

Just saw one a couple of days ago when it landed right on Malia's stroller! I loved seeing ladybugs during the LONG wait.

Chantele said...

Congrats on your DTC! How very exciting. As for the ladybugs, I believe right along with you. Hoping your LID is SOON.