Sunday, January 06, 2008

Dad Update #2

Thanks everyone (especially Kristen!) for your continued support and kind words...

I talked to my dad this afternoon. He was exhausted, but seemed in good spirits. He was still in the ICU, but was hoping to get moved to another room soon. Then I talked to my mom and she also sounded tired, but was hanging in there...they are both realizing there are some major life changes in store for them regarding diet, exercise, and not working so hard/much.

Steve and I went to Borders this afternoon and picked up some things to help my dad relax and keep busy once he is released, since he will be sequestered to the house for at least a couple of weeks. We got him some books and puzzles, and also threw in some easy healthy recipe books. At least that helped me feel like I was DOING something.

Thanks again for all the cyber support - you guys are amazing!


C's Mom said...

Thanks for the update....your family remains in my thoughts.

~Kristen said...

Great news... and great ideas on the stuff to keep him "busy" in a good way!!

sometimes, this is the kick in the a*s we all need to get busy getting healthier!! I know it is for me!

Anonymous said...

Great idea going to Borders today!! It's gonna be all about "leafy green veggies" for your Dad as I told Tracy today...certainly not a Big Mac, but I agree with Kristen...a HUGE kick we can ALL learn from!!!!! Thinking about you all and I'm keeping you in my prayers.
: )
LOOOOOVE the Dart Fam!!

Mommy Spice said...

Oh my. I haven't had time to visit other blogs for a while. I'm so sorry to hear this, but glad he's doing better. I will keep him in my prayers. Keep us updated.

redmaryjanes said...

I am so glad to hear that your father is doing better and will be ok.

~Kristen said...

Just thinking 'bout ya!! Hope he is even better today...

Keep us posted!

Marcy Dunaway said...

You continue to be in my constant thoughts....I am praying for you as well as your Dad (and Mom). It is so hard to be away from family when things like this happen...
Sending big hugs your way!

crazylady said...

Oh good, I don't have to make him any of my famous Chicken soup with Matzoh balls. It'll scare the sickness out of anyone. It kills all organisms it slides past!