Saturday, April 19, 2008

What a Difference...

...a week makes! Yikes - a totally random, out-of-the-ordinary freak snow/sleet/hail storm hit Seattle today...crazy - I thought (had hoped anyway) that I had left this kind of freaky late-April weather in Denver. Of course everytime you move somewhere new, and are surprised at the weather, the locals will all tell you "this is NOT normal - this NEVER happens", etc. But in this case, since I am a Seattle native, I KNOW that this is not normal. It's just bizarre. Luckily it didn't last long. But after 80 degrees last weekend, it was kind of a shock.

This week I started to feel more comfortable at work, starting to get a routine and an understanding for how the organization works and what my job will entail. I guess there is always a learning curve when you start a new job.

Steve finally has his allergies under control (thanks to a very kind pharmacist at the local Walgreen's who recommended the right allergy medicine). He was having terrible sore throats and stuffy nose. I guess we are both getting used to the sea air, and all the various plants that are blooming out here. We've also finally found some local restaurants in the neighborhood that are pretty decent and worth going back to, so we're slowly acclimating and starting to feel like locals.


kitchu said...

Glad things are settling in in your new home!

Steve, Killer, Luna said...

Very Interesting...

I've never seen snow that looked like hail but felt like styrofoam until I moved to Seattle! Some new experimental weather testing??? Hmmmmm or global warming...

Oh well, it's worth it for a few sniffles, a sore throat, and some wacky weather.

Loving the GREAT northwest and happy to be here!!!

redmaryjanes said...

How exciting to start a new life in a new place.
I saw that there was some damage in the move, I hope the box was found that was missing.
Settle in and enjoy!

Jenna said...

it's going to gorgeous today - make sure you get out and enjoy it! Who knows how long it will last!

Mommy Spice said...

I have to tell you, that is the kind of weather you have in Texas. The saying is, "If you don't like the weather, stick will change tomorrow". I'm glad you guys are getting adjusted.

Jeff and Valerie said...

We had a few snowflakes fall yesterday. You didn't miss much as your strom seemed much more exciting!