Can I just say I am SICK of snow??? Ugh! Denver is one messy, sloppy, dirty looking city right now. The snow has been melting a bit during the day, then freezing up at night...making it a major ordeal just to walk across a parking lot without falling on your butt!
Got back from Seattle on Saturday, finally got moved on Sunday/Monday (will post photos of my new pad soon!) I'm without cable or a computer hook-up at home until Friday when Comcast comes and works their if I seem disconnected...I AM! I also caught a lovely headcold just in time for New Year's. Nothing major, just annoying for the most part. Went to bed at 9 pm on New Year's Eve!
Looking forward to orientation at CCAI on Friday. The dossier team held a conference call today, but because I'm at work, I wasn't able to participate. They said they would record it for the rest of us. My paperwork is starting to come together. I was excited when I moved into my new place on Sunday and went into the extra room, realizing that it will be Lia's room one day!